📌 Struggling with event engagement? This event app fixed it! 

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📌 Struggling with event engagement? This event app fixed it! 

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Time To Level Up With Gamification

With flexible rules and beautifully designed games to drive participation and friendly competition, Nunify's event gamification system will generate maximum engagement in your event.

Event Gamification Software Trusted by Brands you Trust.

  • Amazon
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  • image-alternative-text
  • Tesco
  • Axis
  • Northwestern

How it works?

Nunify's event gamification system is built around the concepts of points, level ups, badges and contests. Assign points to drive certain actions, allow attendees to level up as they gain points, customize levels to your event's branding, design badges for unique achievements and let attendees show off their standing in the event leaderboard.

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    Points For Actions

    Attendees gain points for their interactions in the mobile event app. More the interaction more the points.

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    The event wide leaderboard shows attendees with the highest number of points and lets your attendees keep score.

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    Level Ups And Badges

    As the attendees gain points they get to new levels. They can also gain badges by performing certain unique actions

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    With multiple contest types, let your attendees play and win points throughout the event and have fun.

Your game, your rules

  • Every action can be assigned points

    Want to incentivize a particular action, assign it more points. Drive engagement to the parts of the event that'll give you maximum ROI.

  • Create levels that your attendees can advance up to

    As your attendees gain points they can level up. Create levels unique to your event and decide and what point should the attendee reach a new level.

  • Create badges for unique achievements

    Create special badges that can be awarded to attendees. You can also assign badges to attendees manually based on some offline achievement.

  • Customize everything or use pre-built rules

    Don't want to start from scratch? We have pre-built game rules and levels that you can start off with and tweak to your preference .

Display Achievements

  • Leaderboard

    Why gain points if there is no way of showing them off? Nunify's Leaderboard helps keep score and drive friendly competition and engagement in your attendees.

  • Dynamic notifications

    Nunify's powerful notification system ensures your attendees don't miss a beat. Weather they (or someone else) level up, gains a new badge or a new contest has opened up, notifications will bring them to the app to engage.

  • Enhanced profile

    Enhance the attendee profile which to shows their level and badges. Wherever an attendee's profile shows their achievements show along with it.

Wow ! Cipla is going leaps and bounds with this wonderful app. What a vibrancy in the app with the photos and videos shared. The same should be replicated this year to achieve Onecipla mission . Let’s spread this positive energy everywhere to chase our goal. Kudos to all..! #OneCipla #Achievers #Mobile



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