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Webinar software comparison: nunify-vs-zoom

There are lots of webinar & virtual event platforms, which is amazing for you, but not all platforms are the same. At nunify our team analysed Zoom Webinar – here are the facts to help you make a more informed decision. Do reach out if we got something wrong.

Tip: You can integrate zoom to nunify within minutes to upgrade your zoom webinar into a branded webinar – View video


The Essentials

 nunifyzoom webinar
Key use caseBranded webinars, online events & hybrid eventsMeetings & small webinars
Time to Launch EventInstant DIYInstant DIY
Enterprise / Subscription licenseAvailableAvailable
Event MarketingIntegrated custom registration, branded emailers, ticketing, campaign tracking, agendaBasic text form
BrandingYour custom brand assets & colorsNone
Multiple Live SessionsAll sessions under single URL with support for parallel sessionsEach session will be new URL
No. of Hosts / PanelistsUnlimited across all plansRestricted by plans
Attendee / Speaker accessNo apps, No download, No installationNeeds software download
Max. Attendee per streamUpto 1 Million usersUpto 50k users
Registrations & EmailersCustom registration form & branded HTML emailersBasic text
SecurityEmail OTP authentication & Enterprise-grade RSA2048 SHA256 encryptionMax. security is Meeting ID and/or generic password
Content & User ManagementDo-it-yourself CMS with turnkey administrationNone
Analytics & Data ExportLive dashboard with export data, usage, views data for each sessionNo
Support24Γ—7 chat/email support & can avail additional Managed servicesLack live-chat / Managed services


Video Stream 

 nunifyzoom webinar
Video Streaming SourceIntegrate zoom, youtube, vimeo, webex OR proprietary nunify live, pre-recorded videos, RTMPOnly Webcam
Video Latency< 40ms150ms
Pre-recorded VideoUpload video to nunify and direct HD+ stream with no video & audio lag (Simulive)Need to share screen with video (pixelated)
On-demand VideoYes available in HD+ resolutionNo
RTMP / Professional Camera InputYes available for OBS / Vminx etc., inputNo
Parallel Streams / SessionsUnlimited across all plansNo
RecordingsAvailable for nunify live streams & included in all plansYes but additional cost
Stream to Youtube / Facebook / LinkedinYesYes


User Experience

 nunifyzoom webinar
Event AccessibilityOne URL with all sessions, booths, networking accessible Anytime, AnywhereSeparate URL for each session active only when host is LIVE
Visual InterfaceModern elements with ability to include visual content like png, gifs, videosMonotone black & white conference call interface
Session / Streaming RoomClear indicator on who are host / panelists / speakers. Also can be branded with gifs, images, videoLack of visual cues & no branding
Panelist / Speaker OnboardingNo waiting and speaker lounge before go liveNeed to wait and then promote attendee to panelist / speaker
Attendee OnboardingAttendee is only a viewer and can’t come live unless host allows in raise handAdmin settings to mute / unmute – mic / camera etc.,
Partner / Sponsor IntegrationVirtual booths & ad spaces with videos / images / pdfs, chat bot, book meetingNone
Dedicated Networking AreasPublic & Private text chat. Dedicated lounge & virtual video tablesBreakout rooms

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